Performance Analysis and Implementation of Traffic Management on The Medan Pematang Siantar Road Section


  • Marwan Lubis Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Author


Speed, Capacity, Degree of Saturation, Indicators, Service Level


This research is to determine and analyze the level of service on the Medan - Pematang Siantar road section and the factors that influence it using the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI) method as well as forms of handling in the form of implementing traffic management. Like cities in Indonesia, the city of Pematang Siantar is a transit city with quite high levels of social activity, services and trade, so it requires good transportation arrangements, this is because Pematang Siantar City is one of the connecting cities to neighboring cities. north to cities in the south via the western route. As a transit city, the city of Pematang Siantar is forced to have a good road network and be able to serve transportation activities that cross it. From the analysis results it is known that the average speed (V) on the Jl Medan - Pematang Siantar section is 57.95 km/hour with the Capacity (C) on the Jalan Medan Pematang Siantar section being 2568.7 pcu/hour. The value of the degree of saturation (DS) on working days in existing conditions for both directions is 0.56 with a service level indicator of C, as well as on holidays for both directions it is 0.59 with a service level indicator of C. Meanwhile, for the next 5 years, the value of the degree of saturation (DS ) on weekdays for both directions is 0.77 with service level indicator D, the value of the degree of Saturation (DS) on holidays for both directions is 0.82, service level indicator E, where the flow is approaching unstable with high traffic volumes due to internal traffic obstacles high, the driver begins to experience short-duration traffic jams.


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