An Analysis Of Cash On Delivery (COD) Purchase Classification Using the C4.5 and ID3 Algorithms


  • Asrianda Asrianda Universitas Sumatera Utara Author
  • Herman Mawengkang Universitas Sumatera Utara Author
  • Poltak Sihombing Universitas Sumatera Utara Author
  • Mahyuddin K. M. Nasution Universitas Sumatera Utara Author



Normalization; C4.5 and ID3; Classification; COD


This study investigates the prevalence of COD (Cash on Delivery) payment methods across different price categories of goods and the impact of normalization on classification accuracy using the C4.5 and ID3 algorithms. The data reveals that the majority of COD payments occur for items priced below 1,000 PKR, with a decreasing trend as the price increases. conversely, higher-priced items see more non-COD transactions. Monthly analysis shows the highest number of COD transactions in November. Among various product categories, Men's Fashion, Soghaat, and Beauty & Grooming dominate COD payments. The implementation of min-max normalization improves the accuracy of both C4.5 and ID3 algorithms, with C4.5 showing a notable improvement in precision and recall metrics.


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