Analysis of Preventive Maintenance on Forklifts and Reach Trucks by Calculating Mean Time Between Failure and Mean Time to Repair at PT. DSV Solutions Indonesia
Preventive Maintenance; Forklifts and Reach TrucksAbstract
The aim of this research is to analyze preventive maintenance for material handling equipment, specifically Forklifts and reach trucks, at PT. DSV Solutions Indonesia over a one-year period (January-December 2023). The analysis employs the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF), Mean Time To Repair (MTTR), and Availability methods. The findings reveal that the Forklift has an MTBF of 35,926 minutes, MTTR of 85 minutes/breakdown, and an availability of 77.83%, while the reach truck has an MTBF of 26,865 minutes, MTTR of 95 minutes/breakdown, and an availability of 90.14%. Based on this analysis, a recommended preventive maintenance schedule is devised, suggesting maintenance every 25 working days for Forklifts and 19 working days for reach trucks. The evaluation of the improvement in preventive maintenance indicates that Forklifts require maintenance 12 times and reach trucks 16 times in a year, resulting in a significant reduction in downtime and repair costs, ultimately enhancing overall operational efficiency. In conclusion, the enhancement of preventive maintenance schedules proves beneficial in increasing the operational uptime of Forklifts and reach trucks within the operational environment over the course of one year.
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