Analysis of The Stability Calculation of The D.I Padang Garugur Weam In North Padang Lawas Districtnorth Sumatera


  • Kamaluddin Lubis Universitas Medan Area Author
  • Nela Permata Sari Lubis Universitas Tjuk Nyak Dhien Author
  • Marwan Lubis Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Author



Weir Stability; Shearing; Overturning; Soil Support Capacity


The Indonesian region is an agricultural country which causes the agricultural sector to become the main sector in supporting basic needs which is a potential value for the Padang Garurur region to become an agricultural area towards food self-sufficiency, one of the crucial issues in development at the national and global levels. The research method refers to the PU guidebook regulations. KP.06 2013, The aim of the research is to analyze and determine the stability and dimensions of the D.I Padang Garugur weir, Padang Lawas Regency against soil shear forces, overturning, landslides, earthquakes and water seepage that occur during normal and maximum water discharge. The analysis results were obtained with a design discharge of 1922.906 m3/s, a weir height of 3.36 meters, conditions when the water was normal, the overturning moment obtained fs factor 2.79 > 1.5, for soil shear it was obtained with fs 1.24 > 1.2 conditions when the water floods, the overturning moment is obtained fs = 2.09 > 1.5, it is stated that the weir is safe against overturning, the ground shear force is obtained fs 2.231 > 1.2.  The conclusion states that the stability of the weir in general is greatly influenced by the physical properties or physical characteristics of the soil layers as well as the bearing capacity of the soil, as well as the control of shear, overturning, water seepage, in addition to the influence of external forces of the weir that arise during normal discharge and flood discharge conditions. it can be concluded that the D.I Padang Garugur Weir meets the stability requirements.


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