Implementation Of Solar Electric Energy Monitoring For Household Electricity Loads Using IOT
Solar panel; Implementation; Electric energy; IoTAbstract
In a power plant using solar power to provide household electricity is a supply for electricity consumers towards carbon-free energy, the use of solar panels by the community has begun to be done this is because the community can already have a good reference for solar panels. The research method uses an experimental method, namely implementing and analyzing the use of solar cell system electrical energy for electrical loads in households for the right analysis results and getting a good design as planned. The equipment used are photovoltaic modules, solar charge controllers, inverters, batteries, control panels, household electrical loads, multimeters, luxmeters and digital temperature gauges and IoT. The results showed that for household electricity needs of 35.131 watts hour, it normally requires 1300 Wp solar panels, 3 batteries with a capacity of 24 volts 200 Ah each, assuming 2 days. In this study, PLTS uses 600 Wp solar panels, 1 battery with a capacity of 24 volts 200 Ah, and PLTS can serve 78 watts hour and the investment cost required is Rp. 35,000,000, - with electricity savings of Rp. 35,975, - per month assuming the price of electricity is Rp.1300,-/Kwh.
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