The Influence of The Distance Between The SS 304 Steel Base Material And The Welding Electrode In Shilded Metal Arc Welding SMAW on Mechanical Properties


  • Ahmad Bakhori Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Author



SMAW Welding; Electrodes; SS304 Steel; Base Material; Stress and Strain


One of the parts of manufacturing science is Shilded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). This type of welding is most widely used in the industrial world because almost all steel can be welded or joined using Shilded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). Because of the importance of strong and quality welding results, it is necessary to carry out research. This research was carried out with tensile tests on welded specimens with the aim of determining the mechanical properties of SS 304 steel in Shilded Metal Arc Welding using NSN 308 electrodes, welding current of 100 Ampere, distance between seams of 2 mm and distance between the anode and the base material of 0.5 mm. , 1 mm, 1.5 mm and 2 mm. From the discussion of the data it can be concluded that welding with a distance of 0.5 to 1 mm is more perfect and the weld results are more unified in the HAZ area and can be seen in the tensile test results of 652.11 N/mm, yield stress of 854.29 N/mm and strain 27%. Meanwhile, the distance between the anode and the base material of 1.5 to 2 mm is less able to fill the weld area and can be seen from the tensile test results of 362.95 N/mm, yield stress of 563 N/mm and strain of 16%. Thus, the position of the welding distance between the base material and the electrode is very influential in determining good and tough weld results.


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