Analysis of The Utilization of Palm Oil Liquid Waste (POME) as A Biogas Power Plant at Palm Oil Mill Bandar Pasir Mandoge
POM; POME; BiogasAbstract
The development of oil palm plantations in Indonesia is so rapid. Palm oil produces liquid waste in the form of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). POME waste, if left untreated, will result in environmental pollution, especially in aquatic ecosystems. The Pasir Mandoge Biogas Power Plant (BPP) is a power plant built by PTPN IV Bandar Pasir Mandoge which utilizes POME waste which is the product of the Pasir Mandoge Palm Oil Mill into a new and renewable energy source in the PTPN IV Bandar Pasir Mandoge area. This study aims to determine the process of utilizing POME waste as a Biogas Power Plant at the Palm Oil Mill Bandar Pasir Mandoge as well as the amount of POME waste and biogas volume needed to produce 1,1 x 2 MW of power. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out by interview, observation, and documentation methods. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions drawn. The results showed that the total volume of biogas produced from 1.320 tons of FFB was 23.760 m3. With a production capacity of 60 Tons/Hour and POME produced at 60% with a production hour of 22 hours/day. Biogas produced per m3 POME is 30m3/m3 with a storage period of 44 hours. To produce 1,1 x 2 MW of power, it requires 2,640 tons of palm oil FFB, 1.584 m3 of POME waste, and 47,520 m3 of biogas. To meet the capacity of 2 MW.
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