Stipulations Forthe Tofu Factory Location by Employing The AHP Method


  • Kimberly Febrina Kodrat Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Author
  • Siti Rahmah Sibuea Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Author
  • Hasan Sitorus Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Author



Analytical Hierarchy Process; Tofu


The best qualifiedtofu will win the competition, so geological and climate citeria are considered the main priorities based on the analysis results involving AHP to determine the tofu factorylocation. Tofu factories are assigned as one of the small and medium industries and determining their locations greatly influences the sustainability of such industries since the determination not only greatly brings positive impacts on the factoryconstruction, but also reduces economic problems in the future. This research was aimed at specifying the priority criteria percentage in the locationselection; therefore, the research applied the use of AHP to determine them. The research found that the percentage of the next priority might refer to the availability of labors(26.94%), the criteria for market and marketing distance (14.93%), the criteria for transportation facilities (11.36%), the criteria for supporting facilities and utilities (7.08%), and finally the distance criteria fromthe location to the raw material suppliers. The distance to the raw material suppliers is very much prioritized in stipulating the location because the supply of raw materials does not take place every day, for example, the main raw materials, such as,soybeans, can be ordered once a month. Other aspects of the criteria are relied on the level of importancewhich is the final choice for building a tofu factory objectively.


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